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Thursday, 23 January 2014

Create Invisible Name on Facebook / Blank Empty Nickname .

Hello guys , welcome back I am back again with a new and latest trick .
Did you ever see a facebook user that didn’t have any nickname or name in their account? Are you wondering why you can’t see their nickname and how is it possible? If you never encounter those kind of fb name just take a look at the picture above. That’s how the look like of invisible name on Facebook. The nickname is being emptied or got blank. It just that they only used “space bar” character on their facebook’s name.

Here what we got and how to do that:

First you had to prepare on getting the “invisible character”. If you using Windows 7 here what you can do. Go to Start Menu > Accessories > System Tools > Character Maps. See the image above.

After the Character Map appears, point cursor to “Go to Unicode” and type “200D” (without quote). Then select the first character on the top left side which it named as “U+200D: Zero Width Joiner”.

Now the main and the last steps .

Login to your Facebook with your username and password, then Go to “Account Settings” > Name > Edit > Paste the copied “invisible character” to First and Last Name 4 times or more (to get the empty status a “space” line”) > click Save Changes > Done . Remember that you must also add an ALIAS name aka Alternate name on your Facebook Account.

  • If there is some problem trying this or you are unable to do this then simply copy the character given below without brackets and paste the copied character to First and Last Name 4 times or more (to get the empty status a “space” line”) > click Save Changes > Done . Remember that you must also add an ALIAS name aka Alternate name on your Facebook Account.

                                                      (     ﱞﱞ ﱞﱞ      ) 

Note: By using invisible name of facebook, it would make your fb profile harder to be mentioned or be found.


  1. Replies
    1. Joseph , Facebook has recently updated their privacy policy and we will be soon giving the other solution soon .

  2. it don't work.......................
    if it works tell me the solution what means to paste that bracket close character in first and middle name............
    whether we hve to remove name then paste otherwise......................

    1. Yes , try removing your first and last name and try copy/pasting this character without brackets ( ﱞﱞ ﱞﱞ ) in the First and Last Name 4 times or more (to get the empty status a “space” line”) > click Save Changes > Done . Remember that you must also add an ALIAS name aka Alternate name on your Facebook Account. Try this but if it doesn't work then keep visiting we will be giving the other solution soon and also Facebook has recently updated their privacy policy .

    2. still.. it did not make my name invisible!

    3. Piyush , facebook has updated their privacy policy , that's why you are facing this problem .

  3. its working guys

  4. what is alias name.i can't understand about alias name// and where put alias name thx

    1. this trick can't work i do on page but not change in profile. can you please update trick how to hide profile name.. not a fb page.

    2. Dear users , as I told earlier , facebook has updated their privacy policy , due to which you guys are facing this problem .

  5. Replies
    1. Dear Users , facebook has updated their privacy policy , so it's very difficult now to make an invisible account .

  6. itx too esy guyz just chk ma acnt....

    1. How,, Plz tell me.. i will pay you for it..

  7. not work for me error: invalid chracter

  8. its not working....... plz upadate new trick....

  9. invisible space The best strategy to make space in the free fire scratch Make space your scratch intangible with this code that analyzes to the Unicode character "ㅤ" (U + 3164), it will in general be used as letters and you can moreover add embellishments in the scratch picture system.


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